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I am a love warrior

What would your life look like, if you acted from pure love?

 Inside me lives a love warrior. I do what I can contribute to a more loving world, where everybody’s creativity, may, can and is encouraged to thrive.

I meet many reactions on the term love warrior, so way am I a warrior of love?

As I see it there are soldiers and warriors. Soldiers are persons who obey commands, who fight for others (for example their country, their politicians, their military leaders). To me a warrior is a person who take stand for something important, who fights for something important. It’s a person who has values to defend or fight for. A love warrior is no soldier, he or she doesn’t fight a war, and it’s more of gathering around love. To be a warrior for love. To take stand for those values. To show that love is important. To show that it’s not enough to be still, pray and hope problems will dissolve.

To promote love also demands action, to do something, to show that, to take stand for that.

A warrior of love takes the risk that others perceive her as someone to fight. It can be a vulnerable, yet important position. To be a love warrior is sort of like saying:

–      Trust me, I am here, these values are important. Love, compassion, playfulness etc. are values I am prepared to live for ... and die for.

My sexual experiences started with a rape. I also have experiences of having non-consensual sex. It took med decades to really enjoy sex.

Today I do. I know it’s possible to heal wounds, so that the link to creativity can flourish again. There is much we can do to create a situation where women’s creativity thrives and a crucial part of that is sexuality. That we allow ourselves to enjoy it, that we allow our body’s to embrace it, that we allow our thoughts and mind to let go of shame and guild, which often is linked to sexuality.

Thought patterns, ethics and morals, which often stems from men and religion, often in an unholy alliance to, in practice, oppress women and our sexuality.

We live in a world that needs a lot of love. A world that needs common agreements, who needs compassion, which needs mutual understanding.

We need a world where women and men have the same value, same opportunities and where sexuality – what we all are born out of – is affirmed.

It’s time to loose the chains around sexuality. It’s time to allow us to sense that sexuality is a power, and that this power lives deep inside of us.

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